With our structured approach, we optimize the energy and heat consumption of your industrial and commercial facilities

The focus of our analysis always lies on a holistic optimization of energy costs at the process and plant level. In our projects, we analyze the design of the facilities and their operation with a view to improving energy and process heat utilization. 

Based on an energy consumption analysis, we collaboratively define with our clients the focus for identifying optimizations, leading to the development of specific measures that are integrated into implementation plans.

This phase forms the foundation for the entire analysis and constitutes a significant portion of the overall project effort. All operational energy consumption is recorded to gain a clear picture of the facility and process workflows. 
Goal in phase 2 is to identify areas where optimizations yield the greatest efficiency gains. The focus is on consumption hotspots identified in Step 1 to pinpoint potential weaknesses, energy losses, and inefficient energy transfers. 

Develope specific measures to improve energy and thermal efficiency, such as introducing new technologies or making changes to operational processes. This step is carried out in close coordination with on-site experts.

Together with the customer, the measures are prioritized based on a cost-benefit analysis. A schedule for implementation should ensure that the identified potential is also realized.

Certified Consulting

Wir sind als Energieberater von der BAFA für den Energieaudit nach DIN 16247 berechtigt. Darüber hinaus besitzen wir die Zertifizierung als interner Auditor für Energie­­­management-Systeme nach DIN 50001. Damit können wir für unsere Kunden eine fundierte energetische Bewertung durchführen, wie sie vom Energie-Effizienzgesetz EnEfG oder Energie­­dienstleistungsgesetz EDL-G gefordert ist.

ISO zertifiziert

More information on heat stream optimization via pinch analysis?

For many of our customers with high process heat requirements, heat flow analysis using pinch analysis is an essential part of our projects. This process was developed in the early 1980s. Since then, it has become established in practice as a method for improving the use of process heat. The application can show where heat energy is lost unnecessarily and how it can be used sensibly.

Acquisition of funding

In the context of our projects, we collaborate with our clients to identify measures that reduce the energy consumption of their facilities. The implementation of these measures can often be supported through government programs. Upon request, we assist our clients in clarifying eligibility for funding and preparing the necessary application documents.

In specific cases, we have directly handled the application for funding for our clients’ optimization projects without prior optimization of the entire plant.

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Certified Consulting

Wir sind als Energieberater von der BAFA für den Energieaudit nach DIN 16247 berechtigt. Darüber hinaus besitzen wir die Zertifizierung als interner Auditor für Energie­­­management-Systeme nach DIN 50001. Damit können wir für unsere Kunden eine fundierte energetische Bewertung durchführen, wie sie vom Energie-Effizienzgesetz EnEfG oder Energie­­dienstleistungsgesetz EDL-G gefordert ist.

ISO zertifiziert